The Nigerian Stock Market on Wednesday declined further as the All Share Index dropped by 0.04% to close at 98,023.23 points from the previous close of 98.058.07 points on Tuesday. Market Capitalisation was down by 0.04% to close at N59.397 trillion against Monday’s close of N59.418 trillion, shedding N21billion. The aggregate volume and value of traded stocks […]
Transcorp Plc has successfully completed a share reconstruction aimed at optimizing shareholder value. The process involved a 1-to-4 share consolidation, reducing the total number of issued shares from 40.6 billion to 10.2 billion. While the number of shares decreased, the total value of shareholders’ investments remains unchanged. Owen D. Omogiafo OON, President/GCEO of Transcorp Plc, explained that[…]
Living Trust Mortgage Bank Plc has announced its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. The bank reported a significant increase in gross earnings, reaching N2.744 billion for the nine-month period, up from N1.964 billion in the previous year. Profit after tax also rose by 44.18% to N751.658 million. Earnings per share stood at[…]