The international oil benchmark, Brent Crude, fell below $70 per barrel on Tuesday for the first time since the end of 2021, amid growing concerns about slowing global economic growth. Brent Crude dropped by more than three percent, falling below the $70 per barrel mark, while the main US contract, West Texas Intermediate (WTI), also experienced a […]
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has reported that the Value Added Tax (VAT) for Q2 2024 was N1.56 trillion, marking a 9.11% increase from N1.43 trillion in Q1 2024. According to the NBS, local payments amounted to N792.58 billion, foreign VAT payments were N395.74 billion, and import VAT contributed N372.95 billion in Q2 2024. On a[…]
Transactions on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, closed on a positive note. The All-Share Index appreciated by 0.62%, rising from the previous close of 96,206.46 points to 96,802.80 points. Investors gained N343 billion as the Market Capitalization increased from N55.283 trillion to N55.626 trillion. A total of 406,194,548 units of shares[…]