The Nigerian equity market on Monday closed higher as the All Share Index advanced by 0.90% to settle at 66,151.38 points from the previous close of 65,558.91 points. Investors gained 324 billion as the Market Capitalisation was up by 0.90% to close at N36.205 trillion from the previous close of N35.881 trillion. An aggregate of 311 million […]
The Nigerian stock market on Tuesday sustained marginal bullish trend, gaining three out of the last three trading sessions. The All Share Index appreciated by 0.44%, closing at 65,488.67 points from the previous close of 65,202.41 points. Investors gained N157 billion as the Market Capitalisation grew by 0.44% to close at N35.842 trillion from the previous close[…]
It was yet another bearish session on the floor of the Nigerian stock market on Wednesday as downtrend extended on profit taking by investors. The All Share Index dropped by 0.47% to close at 64,625.28 points from the previous close of 64,928.98 points. The Market Capitalisation grew by 0.04% to close at N35.370 trillion from the previous[…]