The Nigerian Stock Market on Wednesday declined further as the All Share Index dropped by 0.04% to close at 98,023.23 points from the previous close of 98.058.07 points on Tuesday. Market Capitalisation was down by 0.04% to close at N59.397 trillion against Monday’s close of N59.418 trillion, shedding N21billion. The aggregate volume and value of traded stocks […]
It was a bearish session on the floor of the Nigerian stock market on Thursday as The All Share Index was down by 1.19% to close at 97,064.42 points from the previous close of 98,232.39 points. The Market Capitalisation declined by 1.19% to close at N55.777 trillion from the previous close of N56.448 trillion, thereby shedding N671[…]
The Nigerian stock market bounced back last week, driven by appreciation in the prices of 56 stocks led by Oando Plc. The All Share Index and Market capitalization rose by 0.63% to settle at 96,579.54 and N55.478 trillion respectively. An aggregate of 2.8 billion units of shares were traded in 50,488 deals, valued at N53 billion. The[…]