The equity market on Monday closed lower as the All Share Index was down by 1.96% to settle at 51,952.99 points from the previous close of 52,994.13 points. The Market Capitalisation declined by 1.97% to close at N28.300 trillion from the previous close of N28.869 trillion, thereby shedding N569 billion. An aggregate of 1.7 billion units of […]
Transactions on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange on Wednesday closed on a bearish note, occasioned by 10.00% decline in the share prices of Airtel Africa and other 13 stocks. The All Share Index dropped further by 1.88% to close at 53,018.97 points from the previous close of 54,035.39 points. Investors’ wealth plunged by N553 billion as[…]
It was yet another bearish session on the floor of the Nigerian stock market on Tuesday as downtrend extended. The All Share Index dropped by 0.27% to close at 54,035.39 points from the previous close of 54,184.34 points. The Market Capitalisation declined by 0.28% to close at N29.436 trillion from the previous close of N29.518 trillion, thereby[…]