The equity market on Friday closed lower as the All Share Index was down by 0.25% to settle at 55,529.21 points from the previous close of 55,670.24 points. The Market Capitalisation declined by 0.25% to close at N30.250 trillion from the previous close of N30.327 trillion, thereby shedding N77 billion. An aggregate of 750.8 million units of […]
The Nigerian stock market on Thursday bounced back from Wednesday’s slide of 0.53% as the All Share Index grew by 0.29% to close at 55,670.24 points from the previous close of 55,508.61 points. The Market Capitalisation appreciated by 0.29% to close at N30.327 trillion from the previous close of N30.239 trillion, thereby gaining N88 billion. An[…]
The Nigerian stock market on Wednesday admitted the Bear, halting five straight days of gains as the All Share Index dropped by 0.53% to close at 55,508.61 points from the previous close of 55,806.26 points. The Market Capitalisation declined by 0.53% to close at N30.239 trillion from the previous close of N30.401 trillion, thereby shedding N162 billion.[…]