The Nigerian stock market extended its bullish trend for the second consecutive session on Wednesday. The All-Share Index increased by 0.56%, closing at 98,230.92 points, up from the previous close of 97,685.64 points. Market Capitalization also grew by 0.56%, rising from N56.131 trillion to N56.447 trillion, adding N316 billion. A total of 361 million units of shares […]
Transactions on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, closed on a positive note. The All-Share Index appreciated by 0.62%, rising from the previous close of 96,206.46 points to 96,802.80 points. Investors gained N343 billion as the Market Capitalization increased from N55.283 trillion to N55.626 trillion. A total of 406,194,548 units of shares[…]
Fidelity Bank Plc has embarked on a significant capital-raising initiative amounting to N127.1 billion through a combined rights and public offer. This move has garnered enthusiastic support from stakeholders across the financial markets, underscoring the bank’s robust growth trajectory and investor-friendly reputation. The offering includes a rights issue of 3.2 billion ordinary shares priced at N9.25 per[…]