The Nigerian stocks market on Friday closed higher as the All Share Index advanced further by 0.15% to settle at 44,396.73 points from the previous close of 44,332.21 points. The Market Capitalisation was up by 0.14% to close at N24.182 trillion from the previous close of N24.147 trillion, thereby gaining N35 billion. An aggregate of 95 million […]
The Nigerian equity market on Thursday bounced back after sessions losses as the All Share Index marginally grew by 0.03% to settle at 44,332.38 points from the previous close of 44,318.15 points. Investors gained 8 billion as The Market Capitalisation was up by 0.03% to close at N24.147 trillion from the previous close of N24.139 trillion. An[…]
The Nigerian stock market on Tuesday closed on a bearish note, occasioned by profit taking in Airtel Africa and 14 other stocks. The All Share Index was down by 2.16% to close at 45,366.32 points from the previous close of 46,365.95 points. The Market Capitalisation declined by 2.15% to close at N24.710 trillion from the previous close[…]