The Nigerian stocks market on Wednesday closed higher as the All Share Index appreciated by 0.02% to settle at 49,171.70 points from the previous close of 49,163.81 points. The Market Capitalisation was up by 0.05% to close at N26.531 trillion from the previous close of N26.519 trillion, thereby gaining N12 billion. An aggregate of 101.6 million units […]
The Nigerian Stock Market on Tuesday closed on bearish note as The All Share Index declined by 0.05% to close at 49,163.81 points from the previous close of 49,189.32 points. Investors lose N13 billion as the Market Capitalisation dropped by 0.05% to close at N26.519 trillion from the previous close of N26.532 trillion. An aggregate of 139[…]
The Nigerian stock market on Friday declined further as the All Share Index was down by 0.33% to close at 49,026.62 points from the previous close of 49,190.34 points. The Market Capitalisation dropped by 0.33% to close at N26.445 trillion from the previous close of N26.533 trillion, thereby adding N88 billion. An aggregate of 169 million units[…]