Academy Press Plc on Friday published its Second Quarter report for the period ended 30 September 2022. The company reported a turnover of N2.328 billion for the 6 months period, up by 10.39% from N2.109 billion reported the previous year. Profit after tax declined year on year by 11.23% to N175.055 million from N197.197 million reported the […]
Cornerstone Insurance Plc in its Third Quarter report for the period ended 30 September 2022 recorded Gross Premium Written of N14.882 billion. This represents 3.09% growth from N14.436 billion revenue reported the previous year. Profit after tax of N964.621 was reported for the 9 months period, down by 37.19% from N1.536 billion reported the previous year. Earnings[…]
Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc in the Third Quarter of 2022 achieved year on year growth in its revenue and profit after tax. Gross Earnings of N208.26 billion was achieved for the 9 months period, up by 41.20% from N147.496 billion achieved the previous year. Profit after tax grew year on year by 38.14% to N55.185 billion from[…]