UK’s MOBILIST Programme: A Game-Changer for Nigeria’s Capital Market

The UK Government is rolling up its sleeves to turbocharge Nigeria’s capital market with its dynamic MOBILIST programme. This initiative isn’t just talk; it’s about action and innovation, aiming to transform Nigeria’s market into a powerhouse for economic growth and clean energy solutions.

At the heart of MOBILIST is the drive to create cutting-edge financial products that will attract big-time investors. Think of it as a magnet for the money that matters, pulling in the funds needed to hit those ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Jonny Baxter, the British Deputy High Commissioner, didn’t mince words at the NGX event. He’s all in on backing Nigeria to develop a capital market that’s not just liquid but also well-regulated. This means companies can get the capital they need to grow, sparking development, jobs, and better incomes for everyone.

But it’s not all smooth sailing. NGX Chairman Ahonsi Unuigbe is calling out the roadblocks. He’s rallying the troops for a brainstorming session to tackle the tough stuff – regulatory red tape, steep listing fees, and the wild ride of market volatility. His message? Let’s break down these barriers and set the stage for an entrepreneurial boom, especially for businesses gunning for the SDGs.

Ross Ferguson, the Mobilist Programme Lead, is singing from the same hymn sheet. He’s convinced that public markets are where it’s at for financing sustainable development. The UK’s plan? To get cozy with the Nigerian market and back the businesses and assets that align with the SDGs.

Jude Chiemeka, the acting CEO of NGX, is buzzing about the partnership with MOBILIST. It’s all about cranking up market efficiency, championing sustainability, and weaving Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into the fabric of the market.

This event isn’t just another entry in the calendar; it’s a pivotal moment. It’s about turning talk into tangible action that can fuel economic growth through the capital market. By tapping into the market’s potential, Nigeria can open doors to funding, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development that will resonate across the nation.

In a nutshell, MOBILIST is the UK’s bold statement of belief in public markets’ power to drive sustainable development by channeling private capital to where it’s most needed – firms tackling development hurdles and the climate shift.

So, here’s the scoop: MOBILIST is all about getting institutional capital to kickstart new, scalable, and repeatable financial products. It’s not just a programme; it’s a movement set to revolutionize Nigeria’s capital market and beyond.

Source : Nairametrics

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