The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has launched a countdown clock showing when the old naira would stop being a legal tender. The countdown clock is visible on the home page of the CBN’s website and it shows January 31, 2023, as the deadline for the N200, N500, and N1,000 notes to “remain legal tenders.” The CBN has directed commercial banks […]
The Debt Management Office (DMO), on behalf of the Federal Government, announced the offering of N100 billion FGN Sukuk bonds for subscriptions. The bonds are offered at 15.64% per annum and will be due in 2032. It is offered at N1,000 per unit subject to a minimum subscription of 10,000 units and in multiples of 1,000 thereafter. Date of an offer is[…]
Dangote Cement has notified the investing public of its proposed share buyback of 10% of its issued shares. The special resolution is to be considered at the Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) that is scheduled to hold on the 13th December 2022. In a statement available on the website of the Nigerian Exchange, a Special Resolution that would be[…]