Edwin Igbiti has emerged has the 51st President of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria after the successful completion of Dr. Muftau Oyegunle’s two-year tenure at helm of the affairs. The inauguration scheduled to hold this week, would bring Edwin Igbiti on board as the 51st president/chairman of council of the premier professional body in the country. With […]
Peter Ashade, the Group Chief Executive Officer of United Capital Plc has been named African CEO of the year at the 2022 African Business Leadership Awards. The award was presented on Monday at the 7th Africa Summit held at the House of Lords, London, United Kingdom. The African Business Leadership Awards recognises industry leaders and organisations across the[…]
Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc is set to float a rights issue of N3.67bn through the Nigerian capital market. The rights issue which would take place in August would be used to raise N3,679,618,625 at the cost of N1.55k per 50 Kobo share. Neimeth stated that its shareholders had in March, 2022 at the 63rd annual general meeting,[…]